Everybody Is An “Influencer” These Days

After reading the piece by Carlo De Marchis (which covered the three main disruptions related to the future of media consumption and production), I reflected on the environment that we live in and how the media is continuing to evolve and effect us all.

At the beginning of the article, I immediately noticed how he laid out his findings via three main points.

  1. The disruption of media consumption
  2. The disruption of media communication
  3. The disruption of media production

Essentially, the future of journalism entrepreneurship is dependent on content. And businesses must be prepared to create and advertise their content in more ways, using more sources, and incorporating more variety.

Although his article highlighted the changes of media consumption, and sort of warned businesses to stay up to date with all of these new advances, I do believe that there are so many potential opportunities to come with this new era as well.

The most fundamental aspect of journalism entrepreneurship that appeals to me is the fact that now more than ever, there is more opportunity for creativity. Big business no longer has all of the power and resources that are needed to filter the media to their audience. The audience themselves are beginning to eliminate the middle-man and voice their own opinions about brands. This leads to genuine endorsements by people that are more “normal” and easily related to. For example, I follow a few “influencers” on social media. These people have formed their own relationships with brands, and voice their opinions about it to the audiences that use that brand the most. I think that this outlet for the media has a lot of potential, and I predict that many companies will begin to have conversations with their audiences and reach out to these influencers more and more, knowing that their product is being marketed in a genuine and more honest way.

While I do see many opportunities in journalism entrepreneurship, I do think that it can be terrifying to enter into this career field, knowing that so many things are constantly evolving. Being an entrepreneur is one of the biggest risks you can take in terms of business, because you are essentially putting yourself out there, with no guarantee that you will succeed. The risk is high, but the potential reward is even higher.

Be yourself, be honest, and be original. As long as you are creating and contributing to this new era of media entrepreneurship in an honest and authentic way, you have the potential to gain a loyal following of customers who will stick with you and support you no matter what. De Marchis quoted “Don’t let others disrupt your business, do it yourself. The long term competitive advantage is under attack, look for the next transient competitive advantage.”

Become your own “influencer”, and speak about things that truly matter to you.

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